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SALAM.. ramai ragu2 nak bagi CINCH SHAKE pada ibu2 kan? so uolss boleh refer sini terang2 ada tulis.. takyah takut2 nak suggest ya.. terang2 ada tulis.. takyah takut2 nak suggest ya..
Product Description
Shaklee Cinch™ Shake Mix is a nutritionally balanced meal replacement beverage used as an integral part of the Shaklee Cinch™ Inch Loss Plan. Each serving prepared as directed (with 8 oz. of nonfat milk) provides approximately 270 calories, 35 grams of carbohydrate, 24 grams of protein, 3 grams of fat and 6 grams of soluble dietary fiber. The ShakleeCinch™ Shake Mix uses non-genetically modified (non GMO) soy protein as its primary source of high quality protein. Soy protein has a biological value equal to that of egg or milk.
Shaklee Cinch™ Shake Mix is a nutritionally balanced meal replacement beverage used as an integral part of the Shaklee Cinch™ Inch Loss Plan. Each serving prepared as directed (with 8 oz. of nonfat milk) provides approximately 270 calories, 35 grams of carbohydrate, 24 grams of protein, 3 grams of fat and 6 grams of soluble dietary fiber. The ShakleeCinch™ Shake Mix uses non-genetically modified (non GMO) soy protein as its primary source of high quality protein. Soy protein has a biological value equal to that of egg or milk.
The Shaklee Cinch™ Shake Mix itself is low glycemic, cholesterol and lactose free,* contains no trans fats, provides 35% of the Daily Value or DV of 20 essential vitamins and minerals, 80% of the DV of chromium, 25% DV for iron, and 10% DV for vitamin A. In addition, the Shaklee Cinch™ Shake Mix has been fortified with the branched chain amino acid, leucine. In the context of a healthy diet, rich in protein, leucine helps signal protein synthesis in muscle tissue, helping to preserve lean muscle during periods of calorie restriction
For best results, this product should be used as part of the Shaklee Cinch Inch Loss Plan, which also includes the Shaklee Cinch™ 3-in-1 Boost Dietary Supplement,Shaklee Cinch™ Bars, Shaklee Cinch™ Energy Tea, a calorie controlled healthy meal plan, daily physical activity recommendations and other support tools.
For best results, this product should be used as part of the Shaklee Cinch Inch Loss Plan, which also includes the Shaklee Cinch™ 3-in-1 Boost Dietary Supplement,Shaklee Cinch™ Bars, Shaklee Cinch™ Energy Tea, a calorie controlled healthy meal plan, daily physical activity recommendations and other support tools.
* When mixed with nonfat milk, the resulting shake will contain cholesterol and lactose.
Directions for Use
Adults and teens, 13 and older mix 1 packet or 2 scoops in 8 oz. of nonfat milk or light soy milk. As part of a calorie controlled meal plan, two servings per day are recommended -one as a meal replacement for breakfast and the other as a meal replacement for lunch or dinner.
Adults and teens, 13 and older mix 1 packet or 2 scoops in 8 oz. of nonfat milk or light soy milk. As part of a calorie controlled meal plan, two servings per day are recommended -one as a meal replacement for breakfast and the other as a meal replacement for lunch or dinner.
How Supplied
Canisters of 15 servings or a box of individual serving packets (14 per box). Available in both natural vanilla and chocolate flavors.
Canisters of 15 servings or a box of individual serving packets (14 per box). Available in both natural vanilla and chocolate flavors.
Not intended for use as a meal replacement for infants and children under the age of 13. The Shaklee Cinch™ Inch Loss Plan has not been designed to treat overweight and obese children. Parents seeking to incorporate Cinch products in a weight loss plan for children should seek the advice of a pediatrician on potential use of the Plan to meet a child’s needs. As part of an overall healthy diet, the Shaklee Cinch™ Shake Mix itself can safely be used by children as a healthy snack or supplement to their meals. Pregnant and lactating women can also use the Shaklee Cinch™ ShakeMix as a supplemental source of quality dietary protein, calories and essential nutrients. However, the Cinch™ Inch Loss Plan for weight loss is not recommended for use during pregnancy and nursing mothers should seek the advice of their health care provider. Take thyroid replacement medication (levothyroxin) and Shaklee Cinch™ Shake Mix at separate times.
Not intended for use as a meal replacement for infants and children under the age of 13. The Shaklee Cinch™ Inch Loss Plan has not been designed to treat overweight and obese children. Parents seeking to incorporate Cinch products in a weight loss plan for children should seek the advice of a pediatrician on potential use of the Plan to meet a child’s needs. As part of an overall healthy diet, the Shaklee Cinch™ Shake Mix itself can safely be used by children as a healthy snack or supplement to their meals. Pregnant and lactating women can also use the Shaklee Cinch™ ShakeMix as a supplemental source of quality dietary protein, calories and essential nutrients. However, the Cinch™ Inch Loss Plan for weight loss is not recommended for use during pregnancy and nursing mothers should seek the advice of their health care provider. Take thyroid replacement medication (levothyroxin) and Shaklee Cinch™ Shake Mix at separate times.
Scientific Rationale
Studies report that meal replacement beverages along with other positive changes in lifestyle including modest calorie restriction, increased physical activity and professional weight management counseling can be an effective weight management strategy. A number of studies also indicate that the protein content of the diet can influence satiety and may be one of the factors related to the beneficial effects of higher protein diets on weight loss. In addition, high protein meals have been found to significantly decrease subsequent energy intake compared to low protein meals.
Studies report that meal replacement beverages along with other positive changes in lifestyle including modest calorie restriction, increased physical activity and professional weight management counseling can be an effective weight management strategy. A number of studies also indicate that the protein content of the diet can influence satiety and may be one of the factors related to the beneficial effects of higher protein diets on weight loss. In addition, high protein meals have been found to significantly decrease subsequent energy intake compared to low protein meals.
Shaklee Cinch™ Shake Mix when used in the context of a calorie controlled meal plan and replacing two meals a day, can help control caloric intake, promote satiety and control hunger between meals. The Shaklee Cinch™ Shake Mix is enhanced with leucine, a branched chain amino acid studied for its role in protein metabolism. Recent research indicates that increased dietary leucine has favorable effects on weight, body composition and normal glucose homeostasis during prolonged calorie restriction. Leucine has been shown to signal protein synthesis in muscle tissue which may help offset the typical loss of lean muscle commonly seen with weight loss diets. A loss of lean muscle leads to a drop in metabolic rate or calorie burning potential which is detrimental to long term weight management success.
Shaklee Cinch™ Shake Mix can also be used as part of a low glycemic diet and has been clinically shown to elicit a low-glycemic response relative to simple carbohydrate. Shaklee Cinch™ Shake Mix can replace some food sources of protein that are high in saturated fats and cholesterol to help people follow an overall heart-healthy diet. In fact, as part of a healthy diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol 25 grams of soy protein per day may reduce the risk of heart disease. Each serving of Shaklee Cinch Shake Mix provides 16 grams of soy protein.
For those consuming insufficient dietary protein such as the elderly, ill or vegans,Shaklee Cinch™ Shake Mix can help achieve adequate intakes of protein as well as calcium.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Terjemahan untuk memudahkan kengkawan, Bahasa Malaysia :
Penerangan Produk :
Shaklee Cinch ™ Shake Mix adalah yang seimbang minuman
gantian hidangan berkhasiat digunakan sebagai sebahagian daripada Rancangan
Kerugian Shaklee Cinch ™ Inci. Setiap sajian disediakan seperti yang diarahkan
(dengan 8 oz. Susu tanpa lemak) menyediakan kira-kira 270 kalori, 35 gram
karbohidrat, 24 gram protein, 3 gram lemak dan 6 gram serat larut. The
ShakleeCinch ™ Shake Mix bukan menggunakan diubahsuai secara genetik (non GMO)
protein soya sebagai sumber utamanya protein berkualiti tinggi. Protein soya mempunyai
nilai biologi yang sama dengan telur atau susu.
Shaklee Cinch ™ Shake Mix sendiri adalah glisemik rendah,
kolesterol dan laktosa, * tidak mengandungi lemak trans, menyediakan 35%
daripada Nilai harian atau DV 20 vitamin dan mineral, 80% daripada DV kromium,
25% DV bagi besi, dan 10% DV bagi vitamin A. Di samping itu, Shaklee Cinch ™
Shake Mix telah diperkaya dengan asid amino rantai bercabang itu, leucine.
Dalam konteks diet yang sihat, kaya dengan protein, leucine membantu sintesis
protein isyarat dalam tisu otot, membantu mengekalkan otot semasa tempoh
sekatan kalori
Orang dewasa dan remaja, 13 dan lebih tua campurkan 1 paket
atau 2 sudu dalam 8 oz. susu tanpa lemak atau susu soya cahaya. Sebagai
sebahagian daripada rancangan makan kalori terkawal, dua hidangan sehari
disyorkan ** sebagai pengganti makan untuk sarapan pagi dan satu lagi sebagai
pengganti makan untuk makan tengah hari atau makan malam.
Untuk hasil yang terbaik, produk ini boleh digunakan sebagai
sebahagian daripada Rancangan Kerugian Shaklee Cinch Inch, yang juga termasuk
Shaklee Cinch ™ 3-dalam-1 Boost Tambahan Diet, Shaklee Cinch ™ Bar, Shaklee
Cinch ™ Energy Tea, kalori terkawal sihat rancangan makanan, cadangan aktiviti
fizikal harian dan alat sokongan lain.
*Apabila dicampur dengan susu tanpa lemak, shake yang
terhasil akan mengandungi kolesterol dan laktosa.
Arahan Penggunaan :
Orang dewasa dan remaja , 13 dan lebih tua campurkan 1 paket
atau 2 sudu dalam 8 oz . susu tanpa lemak atau susu soya cahaya . Sebagai
sebahagian daripada rancangan makan kalori terkawal, dua hidangan sehari
disyorkan -one sebagai pengganti makan untuk sarapan pagi dan satu lagi sebagai
pengganti makan untuk makan tengah hari atau makan malam .
Bagaimana dibekalkan :
Kanister 15 hidangan atau sekotak paket hidangan individu
(14 per kotak). Terdapat dalam kedua-dua vanila dan coklat perisa semula jadi.
Langkah berjaga-jaga :
Tidak bertujuan untuk digunakan sebagai pengganti hidangan
untuk bayi dan kanak-kanak di bawah umur 13. Rancangan Kerugian Shaklee Cinch ™
Inch tidak direka untuk merawat kanak-kanak yang berlebihan berat badan dan
obes. Ibu bapa yang ingin memasukkan produk Cinch dalam rancangan penurunan
berat badan untuk kanak-kanak perlu mendapatkan nasihat daripada pakar
kanak-kanak pada penggunaan potensi. Rancangan untuk memenuhi keperluan
kanak-kanak. Sebagai sebahagian daripada diet yang sihat secara keseluruhan,
Shaklee Cinch ™ Shake Mix sendiri boleh dengan selamat digunakan oleh
kanak-kanak sebagai snek sihat atau makanan tambahan untuk makanan mereka.
Wanita mengandung dan menyusu juga boleh menggunakan Shaklee Cinch ™ ShakeMix
sebagai sumber tambahan kualiti pemakanan protein, kalori dan nutrien penting.
Walau bagaimanapun, Rancangan Kerugian Cinch ™ Inch untuk menurunkan berat
badan adalah tidak digalakkan untuk digunakan semasa mengandung dan menyusu perlu
mendapatkan nasihat daripada pembekal penjagaan kesihatan mereka. Ambil ubat
penggantian tiroid (levothyroxin) dan Shaklee Cinch ™ Shake Mix pada masa-masa
yang berasingan.
Rasional Saintifik :
Kajian melaporkan bahawa minuman gantian hidangan
bersama-sama dengan lain-lain perubahan positif dalam gaya hidup termasuk
sekatan kalori sederhana, peningkatan aktiviti fizikal dan profesional
kaunseling pengurusan berat badan boleh menjadi strategi pengurusan berat badan
yang berkesan. Beberapa kajian juga menunjukkan bahawa kandungan protein dalam
diet boleh mempengaruhi kenyang dan boleh menjadi salah satu faktor yang
berkaitan dengan kesan yang baik diet protein yang lebih tinggi pada penurunan
berat badan. Di samping itu, makanan protein tinggi telah didapati dengan
ketara mengurangkan pengambilan tenaga berikutnya berbanding makanan protein
Shaklee Cinch ™ Shake Mix apabila digunakan dalam konteks
pelan makan kalori terkawal dan menggantikan dua kali sehari, boleh membantu
mengawal pengambilan kalori, menggalakkan kenyang dan mengawal rasa lapar di
antara waktu makan. Shaklee Cinch ™ Shake Mix dipertingkatkan dengan leucine,
yang bercabang asid amino rantai dikaji untuk peranannya dalam metabolisme
protein. Penyelidikan terkini menunjukkan bahawa peningkatan leucine pemakanan
mempunyai kesan yang baik ke atas berat badan, komposisi badan dan homeostasis
glukosa normal semasa sekatan kalori yang berpanjangan. Leucine telah
ditunjukkan untuk memberi isyarat sintesis protein dalam tisu otot yang boleh
membantu mengimbangi kerugian yang tipikal otot biasa dilihat dengan diet
penurunan berat badan. Kehilangan otot tanpa lemak membawa kepada penurunan
dalam kadar metabolik atau potensi pembakaran kalori yang memudaratkan jangka
panjang kejayaan pengurusan berat badan.
Shaklee Cinch ™ Shake Mix juga boleh digunakan sebagai
sebahagian daripada diet glisemik yang rendah dan secara klinikal telah
ditunjukkan untuk mendapatkan respon yang rendah glisemik berbanding dengan
karbohidrat ringkas. Shaklee Cinch ™ Shake Mix boleh menggantikan beberapa
sumber makanan protein yang tinggi lemak tepu dan kolesterol untuk membantu
orang mengikuti diet jantung sihat keseluruhan. Malah, sebagai sebahagian
daripada diet yang sihat yang rendah lemak tepu dan kolesterol 25 gram protein
soya setiap hari boleh mengurangkan risiko penyakit jantung. Setiap hidangan
Shaklee Cinch Shake Mix menyediakan 16 gram protein soya.
Bagi mereka memakan protein diet yang tidak mencukupi
seperti warga emas, sakit atau vegan, Shaklee Cinch ™ Shake Mix boleh membantu
mencapai pengambilan yang mencukupi protein serta kalsium.
* Kenyataan-kenyataan ini belum dinilai oleh Pentadbiran
Makanan dan Dadah. Produk-produk ini tidak bertujuan untuk mendiagnosis,
merawat, menyembuhkan atau mencegah sebarang penyakit.
Saya suka vitamin,
saya jual vitamin, - murah saja..:)
saya mahu sihat & ceria bersama anda.
Hubungi saya,
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